Walking into alchemy

the transformed power of nature
Mediengruppe: Sachbuch
Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Marriette, Amelia
Verfasserangabe: Amelia Marriette
Jahr: 2019
Verlag: Gloucestershire, Mereo
The central theme of the book is my personal journey following redundancy, financial problems, depression and ill health and my fortunate relocation to Austria. The book has three other main areas of interest: a love story; a nature story and a book about art, culture and the wider world. The love story is one concerning my chance encounter with my now partner Katie which led to our relocation to her home town in Austria. I was surrounded by the stunning scenery of the Carinthian region, and my love of nature was rekindled. I sought repair and rejuvenation through the completion of fifty-two, thirteen-mile walks in the span of one calendar year. This act of repetitive walking enabled me to study the changing seasons and explore the flora and fauna of the area; I was able to return myself to health by considering and reconsidering personal experiences, emotions, ideas and memories. As the weeks passed, I began to find my sense of place and my new path in life. I realised that I was walking into alchemy, mining for gold as I went. It was then, as a former curator and Shakespeare scholar that I began to see connections everywhere, and I was able to invest my walks with meaning from paintings, musical passages and lines of verse.
I hope that my book Walking into Alchemy will inspire readers to find their own paths in life, wherever that might take them.
Verfasserangabe: Amelia Marriette
Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Marriette, Amelia
Jahr: 2019
Verlag: Gloucestershire, Mereo
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik FS.E, BI, VS.QW
Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis
ISBN: 978-1-86151-947-4
Beschreibung: 337 S. : Ill.
Schlagwörter: Wandern, Frau, Erlebnisbericht, Bad Sankt Leonhard <im Lavanttal>, Gehen, Identitätsfindung, Englisch, Fernwandern, Wanderung, Erwachsene Frau, Weib, Weibliche Erwachsene, Augenzeugenbericht <Formschlagwort>, Eindrücke <Formschlagwort>, Erlebnisgeschichte, Reportage <Formschlagwort>, Erfahrungsbericht, Gang <Gehen>, Selbstfindung, Identitätssuche, Britisches Englisch, Englische Sprache
Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person
Sprache: Englisch
Fußnote: Text: Englisch
Mediengruppe: Sachbuch


ZweigstelleSignaturStandort 2StatusVorbestellungenMediengruppeFristBarcode
Zweigstelle: Nord - Geidorf Signatur: FS.E MAR Standort 2: Ausleihe Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Mediengruppe: Sachbuch Frist: Barcode: 2208SB00247


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