The Association of Small Bombs

Mediengruppe: Belletristik
Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Mahajan, Karan
Verfasserangabe: Karan Mahajan
Jahr: 2016
Verlag: New York, Penguin Books
When brothers Tushar and Nakul Khurana, two Delhi schoolboys, pick up their family¿s television set at a repair shop with their friend Mansoor Ahmed one day in 1996, disaster strikes without warning. A bomb - one of the many "small" bombs that go off seemingly unheralded across the world - detonates in the Delhi marketplace, instantly claiming the lives of the Khurana boys, to the devastation of their parents. Mansoor survives, bearing the physical and psychological effects of the bomb. After a brief stint at university in America, Mansoor returns to Delhi, where his life becomes entangled with the mysterious and charismatic Ayub, a fearless young activist whose own allegiances and beliefs are more malleable than Mansoor could imagine. Woven among the story of the Khuranas and the Ahmeds is the gripping tale of Shockie, a Kashmiri bomb maker who has forsaken his own life for the independence of his homeland.
Verfasserangabe: Karan Mahajan
Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Mahajan, Karan
Jahr: 2016
Verlag: New York, Penguin Books
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik FS.E
Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis
ISBN: 978-0-14-310927-3
Beschreibung: 276 S.
Schlagwörter: Englisch, Terrorismus, Bruder, Delhi, Britisches Englisch, Englische Sprache, Politischer Terrorismus, Alt-Delhi, Neu-Delhi, New Delhi, Neu Delhi
Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person
Sprache: Englisch
Mediengruppe: Belletristik


ZweigstelleSignaturStandort 2StatusVorbestellungenMediengruppeFristBarcode
Zweigstelle: Zanklhof Signatur: FS.E MAH Standort 2: Ausleihe Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Mediengruppe: Belletristik Frist: Barcode: 1701SB05189


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