The Making of the Memsahibs and Sahibs

he English Society as portrayed in A Passage to India
Mediengruppe: eBook
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Jahr: 2002
Verlag: School Scout
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E.M. Forster is one of the most esteemed novelists in English and A Passage to India is one of his greatest achievements. This essay deals in detail with the presentation of the English conquerors in India and their attitude towards the subject race. - 1. The Anglo - Indian Society: Posing as Gods(Setting, General Characteristics, The Fear of the Educated Indian) - 2. The Making of the Memsahibs and Sahibs [The English Character, The Two Years / Six Months - Theory, From Public School - Boy to Sahib: Ronny Heaslop, The Education of Newcomers (Anglo-Indian Women)]. - 3. Satiric Elements/ Irony in the Portrayal of Anglo-Indians [Some of the Major Characters, Comical and Satirical Situations. (The Bridge-Party, The Incident at the Caves)] - 4. Conclusion: Development of Heart
Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Jahr: 2002
Verlag: School Scout
Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik JV.LE, JK.L
Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis
Beschreibung: 15 S.
Schlagwörter: Indien, Gesellschaft, Englischunterricht
Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person
Sprache: Deutsch
Mediengruppe: eBook


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