Do hard things

why we get resilience wrong and the surprising science of real toughness
Mediengruppe: Sachbuch
Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Magness, Steve (Verfasser)
Verfasserangabe: Steve Magness
Jahr: 2024
Verlag: New York, Harper One
From beloved performance expert, executive coach, and coauthor of Peak Performance Steve Magness comes a radical rethinking of how we perceive toughness and what it means to achieve our high ambitions in the face of hard things.
Toughness has long been held as the key to overcoming a challenge and achieving greatness, whether it is on the sports field, at a boardroom, or at the dining room table. Yet, the prevailing model has promoted a mentality based on fear, false bravado, and hiding any sign of weakness. In other words, the old model of toughness has failed us.
Steve Magness, a performance scientist who coaches Olympic athletes, rebuilds our broken model of resilience with one grounded in the latest science and psychology. In Do Hard Things, Magness teaches us how we can work with our body - how experiencing discomfort, leaning in, paying attention, and creating space to take thoughtful action can be the true indications of cultivating inner strength. He offers four core pillars to cultivate such resilience:
Pillar 1- Ditch the Façade, Embrace Reality
Pillar 2- Listen to Your Body
Pillar 3- Respond, Instead of React
Pillar 4- Transcend Discomfort
Smart and wise all at once, Magness flips the script on what it means to be resilient. Drawing from mindfulness, military case studies, sports psychology, neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy, he provides a roadmap for navigating life¿s challenges and achieving high performance that makes us happier, more successful, and, ultimately, better people.
Verfasserangabe: Steve Magness
Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Magness, Steve (Verfasser)
Jahr: 2024
Verlag: New York, Harper One
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik PP.Y, FS.E
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ISBN: 9780063098619
Beschreibung: Erste Auflage, 308 Seiten
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Sprache: Englisch
Mediengruppe: Sachbuch


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Zweigstelle: Ost - Schillerstraße Signatur: FS.E MAG Standort 2: Ausleihe Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Mediengruppe: Sachbuch Frist:


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