The ministry of time

Mediengruppe: Belletristik
Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Bradley, Kaliane (Verfasser)
Verfasserangabe: Kaliane Bradley
Jahr: 2024
Verlag: London, Sceptre
In the near future, a disaffected civil servant is offered a lucrative job in a mysterious new government ministry gathering 'expats' from across history to test the limits of time-travel.
Her role is to work as a 'bridge': living with, assisting and monitoring the expat known as '1847' - Commander Graham Gore. As far as history is concerned, Commander Gore died on Sir John Franklin's doomed expedition to the Arctic, so he's a little disoriented to find himself alive and surrounded by outlandish concepts such as 'washing machine', 'Spotify' and 'the collapse of the British Empire'. With an appetite for discovery and a seven-a-day cigarette habit, he soon adjusts; and during a long, sultry summer he and his bridge move from awkwardness to genuine friendship, to something more.
But as the true shape of the project that brought them together begins to emerge, Gore and the bridge are forced to confront their past choices and imagined futures. Can love triumph over the structures and histories that have shaped them? And how do you defy history when history is living in your house?
Verfasserangabe: Kaliane Bradley
Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Bradley, Kaliane (Verfasser)
Jahr: 2024
Verlag: London, Sceptre
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik FS.E, DR.U
Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis
ISBN: 978-1-399-72635-1
Beschreibung: 353 Seiten
Schlagwörter: Ministerium, Zeitreise, Frau, Liebe, Englisch, Sciencefiction, Zukunft, Departement <Ministerium>, Zeitreise <Motiv>, Zeitmaschine, Erwachsene Frau, Weib, Weibliche Erwachsene, Liebesempfindung, Liebesgefühl, Britisches Englisch, Englische Sprache, Utopischer Roman <Sciencefiction>, Science-Fiction, Zukunftsentwicklung, Zukunftsvorstellung
Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person
Sprache: Englisch
Fußnote: Text: Englisch
Mediengruppe: Belletristik


ZweigstelleSignaturStandort 2StatusVorbestellungenMediengruppeFristBarcode
Zweigstelle: Nord - Geidorf Signatur: FS.E BRA Standort 2: Ausleihe Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Mediengruppe: Belletristik Frist: Barcode: 2408SB04073


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