The Sentence is Death

Mediengruppe: Literatur CD
Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Horowitz, Anthony
Verfasserangabe: Anthoy Horowitz
Jahr: 2018
Verlag: Köln , Random House Audio
William Pryce is an elegant, smooth-tongued lawyer who has made a fortune out of celebrity divorces - and a lot of enemies in the process. Unmarried himself, he lives in a handsome bachelor pad on the edge of Hampstead Heath.
Or rather he used to ...
When he is found murdered, the police confront the most baffling of mysteries: who was the visitor who came to Pryce's house moments before he died, arriving while he was still talking on the phone? "You shouldn't be here. It's too late..." were Pryce's last recorded words but what exactly do they mean?
Why does his killer paint a three-digit number on the wall before leaving the crime scene? And why exactly was he bludgeoned to death with a bottle of wine - a 1982 Chateau Lafite worth Pds. 3,000 - when he didn't drink alcohol?
The police are forced to hand the case to Private Investigator Daniel Hawthorne, who takes it on with characteristic relish.
But Hawthorne himself has secrets to hide and as our reluctant narrator becomes ever more embroiled in the case he realises that these are secrets that need to be exposed - even if it puts his own life in danger ...
Verfasserangabe: Anthoy Horowitz
Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Horowitz, Anthony
Jahr: 2018
Verlag: Köln , Random House Audio
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik TD.FS.E, TD.DR.E
Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis
Altersfreigabe: 16
ISBN: 978-1-78614-064-7
Beschreibung: 7 CDs : 8 Std. 50 Min.
Schlagwörter: Kriminalgeschichte, Kriminalerzählung, Detektivgeschichte, Krimi
Beteiligte Personen: Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person Kinnear, Rory
Sprache: Englisch
Mediengruppe: Literatur CD


ZweigstelleSignaturStandort 2StatusVorbestellungenMediengruppeFristBarcode
Zweigstelle: Zanklhof Signatur: TD.FS.E HOR Standort 2: Ausleihe Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Mediengruppe: Literatur CD Frist: Barcode: 1901SB05791


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